COSSH Awareness & Product Training
Certified Equipment Servicing
Budget & Order Management
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View Certificates & Service History
St.Joseph's Home, Little Sisters of the Poor
"What a great joy it was for us to receive 6 slings to the value of €2,500.00, we are so grateful. Thank you for bringing them to us, during the pandemic we had huge problems trying to find suffucient slings for residents in order to prevent cross infection. I still cannot bevieve that our name came out first, it's great to win something. "
Prevention of cross-contamination in an easy-to-understand way
Colour-Coded System for cleaning materials & equipment
COSHH Folder containing Material Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals supplied by S&E
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) book outlining best cleaning practices
Product Training & COSHH Awareness Training
Certificates for staff who complete training
Posters and Wall Charts
Master Furnishers to Care Homes